Wednesday January 22, 2025 a.d.Tobe 14, 1741 a.m.

What is God’s plan for us?

Christ in the Storm - Rembrandt

Because we are the children of God, we know with certainty that this pandemic, whether under natural circumstances or man-made, occurred with the permission of God. That is why we will not worry because we are carried on God’s arms. He transforms what is bitter into sweetness, and whatever hardship will not be for the purpose of destruction but for edification.

St. Clement of Alexandria (Dean of the School of Alexandria in the 2nd century) says that saying God is ‘Beneficent' does not only mean that He provides us with many good things, but also transforms, even the evil that afflict us into good things and blessings that we may enjoy. He says that God transformed the evil intentions of Joseph’s brothers towards him into wonderful blessings that Joseph, his brothers, and their father enjoyed. Joseph said to his brothers: “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. Now therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones. And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them” (Genesis 50:20-21)

It is appropriate for us in our daily lives to trust in God’s providence, His love and care for us that He transforms whatever hardships occur to us (what we call evils) to our good. Whether the love of God who transforms our painful matters, whether they were diabolic war, harassing of the wicked, or diseases such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

During this pandemic, we are confident that all things lead to the benefit of humanity. We gained many good things:

Joining the Psalmist who says: “But I give myself to prayer.” (Psalm 109: 4) by holding on to God by praying for:

Mourning with those who suffer and sharing their feelings

Allowing us to review our ecclesiastic life:

Urging some to repent and confess, as they feel that death has become very close

Many have reconciled with those who were hostile to them

Growing in faith to be trained to have hope without falling into anxiety or despair

This pandemic is for our good to prepare us for the eternal heavenly inheritance.

What is our role during this difficult time?

Our main approach is: rejoice in the Lord. “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4) It is appropriate for us to go through it joyfully, through our relationship with the beneficent God accepting whatever its outcome may be. When He calls us to repentance and confession, He invites us to rejoice and thank Him for his blessings and His deeds with us.

Our life is in the hands of the Creator, the lover of mankind who desires for all people to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Thus, all the hardships that the believers had previously suffered in their lives on earth were transformed.

Learn from the suffering of the people of God, who fell into many hardships and sufferings, who walked as befitting of them as the people of God and God was glorified in them, and they won the crowns of victory e,g. The righteous Joseph, Job, David… Be confident that God leads our life to edification.

Always have hope, by discovering the outpouring love of God for us. He gave us His Holy Spirit to grant us from what is His, so that we do not fear the enemy, the forces of darkness, the corruption of sin, nor pandemics for we are preserved by Him and in Him.  

We shouldn’t allow this pandemic to stop the dwelling of the Lord Jesus in our hearts, but on the contrary, it should inflame our hearts always through fellowship, and keeping His commandments.

Let us engrave on our hearts through the Holy Spirit: "Here is the dwelling of God within me." Let us say with determination: Dwell O Lord in my heart and let me dwell with You in your heavens. May the gates of heaven be opened before humanity and Your light shine upon everyone and let the doors of your church be open before us, and those who will come after us forever.

--  Fr. Rewis